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Christina Tomasello
This project is called "What's in my Head?" For this project, we had to find 15 or more different items and cut them out with any of the tools we learned such as the magic wand, quick selection, rectangle or circle marquee, lasso tool and finally the magnatic lasso. The tool that I used the most was the quick selection. We also had to put a circle on top of our head and make it look 3-D by scattering the objects that we cut out everywhere. What I think that I could I improve on is that I could have maybe added a few smaller objects to fill in the space. I also think that I could have made some of the objects overlap and I also could have made some of the things different sizes. What I feel came out well with this project is that I added different blending modes on some of the objects and I also added drop shadows on some of the projects. What I feel that could have went better with my project is that I could have maybe added some stuff in the bottom spaces. Finally, the grade I would give myself on this project is an A because I feel that I did well on this project.
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